
In this section, you will find a detailed description of the calendar features in the Siesta Extranet.

In General

The interactive calendar shows the graphical layout of reservations in your hotel depending on time and room, while allowing you to work with reservations. On the top and left side of the calendar are two bars that show days or rooms respectively.

Today's day is highlighted in green on the calendar day bar, and weekends are highlighted in lighter color.

The horizontal bar shows the individual rooms of your facility. For room names you can set any color in the "Rooms" section.


Calendar Overview

You can see individual reservations in the calendar.

Each reservation contains a "circle" on the left, which indicates the source of the reservation (, Airbnb, Expedia, Walk in, etc.). The same "wheels" are color-coded. Green indicates that the reservation is already paid, yellow is partially paid and gray is unpaid. On some reservations, a red credit card icon may appear to indicate that the reservation has an invalid credit card. The "stars" icon indicates an unapproved reservation and finally, the "anchor" icon indicates a locked room for a smart room arrangement (which addresses hotel overbooks). For more information on smart room arrangement, see the link below, or contact your technical adviser.


The calendar also shows graphically the status of accommodation reservations:

The closed room for booking will be displayed in the calendar in this way, as shown below. To learn more about this setting, visit the link below.

New booking

Individual reservations can also be marked with the color of your "Partner", more information on the link below:


You can also assign colors to booking sources (, Expedia, Airbnb, etc.). You will then have a well-arranged color-coded calendar. For more information on setting up this feature, see the link below:

Booking sources

Top calendar bar

The icons on the top bar of the calendar are shown and described below:

Calendar display settings

After clicking the calendar display settings icon, you will see a pop-up window:

With this setting, you can configure your calendar to be more user-friendly. You can adjust the size of the calendar view, the default number of days, the number of people and room capacity, the full day booking view, or the partner-color view. You can also set a default display day from the current day.

Display practical calendar details

If you do not want to go directly to the details of the reservation, you will certainly use the practical smaller details that the calendar offers.

The first option is to hover the cursor on your chosen reservation, after a while you will see a pop-up window, see below:

In the details page you have the possibility to get an extended overview of the reservation. It includes information such as the name of the guest of whom the reservation was made, the date of the reservation, whether the reservation was paid, and so on.

The second option is to use the right mouse cursor on the reservation, then you will see this detail:

Unlike the first option, with this detail you can already directly edit the reservation. For example, you can add a note, indicate whether a guest is staying, or lock a room. To save a note, be sure to click the floppy disk icon that appears.

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