Bill items

Here you can set frequently sold items such as toiletries, newspapers, champagne etc.

In General

Here you can set up frequently sold items such as toiletries, newspapers, champagne per room, etc. Add an item in the bottom right corner to add a new item.

List of bill items

To set up a new bill item, it is necessary to fill in all information. Name, VAT rate, determine the item's requested price and the currency in which it will be charged. Alternatively, you can assign a category to the item, or add a name in a foreign language. If you want to add an item to your delivery list, make sure to check the "Deliveries enabled" box, a new field will automatically appear in which you need to select a delivery provider. If you do not find a vendor in the list, you will need to set it up first. For instructions on managing vendors and categories of accounting items, see the link below:

pageSupplierspageBill item categories

Match bill items with stock items

If you have enabled the sale of some inventory items and want to automatically keep track of inventory during the sale, you need to pair the inventory items with the accounting items. Here we either create a new bill item, if necessary, or select an existing one. To pair a bill and stock item, simply select the stock item in the Item field.

In this specific case, we matched the accounting item vodka (in the Name column) with the stock item vodka (in the Items column). Then save. If a subsequently matched accounting item is charged to the reservation account, an identical number of stock items is automatically deducted.

To manage and configure stock items, follow the link below:


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