Getting started

Siesta Extranet is an application for simple and efficient management of accommodation facilities.

In General

If you are a new user of the application, we also recommend you to watch our video tutorials, which will introduce you to the basic procedures of working with Siesta Extranet.


After logging into the Siesta Extranet, you can start managing your device immediately. During your work in this environment you will be guided by two basic controls - the main menu, which is located on the left side of the screen, and the top bar.

Guest's bill at booking

Clicking on the name of the logged-in user will bring you to a window where you can change your data, application language, color theme dark “dark” and light “light” and in the “Security” tab also the access password.

Definition of user roles

The possibility of setting user roles in Siesta Extranet is really wide and can satisfy even the most demanding clients.

License Manager

They can display all specific client interfaces, this is the highest access for the client.

Client Manager

They can display all client-specific interfaces used by the client's administrators.

Application Manager

They can display all application-specific interfaces used by administrators from the client's side.


They have access to all application-specific interfaces, including the Management, SIESTA, Applications and Client tabs.


They have access to the Home, Message Board, Reservation, Reception and SIESTA tabs.

Room Owner

They only has access to the occupancy list of the assigned room, but cannot access it. Serves for owners of rooms or apartments.

Driver - Manager

They only have access to transfers, they can also delegate transfers to other drivers. It is designed for drivers.


They have access to transfers only.

Cleaning Woman

They can only see cleaning.

Last updated